Awareness Levels

Warren Peng
1 min readJan 22, 2021

This is a summary of the levels of awareness described in the FitMind App.

  1. Focused awareness
    Pay attention on a specific single object (or anchor or home base). An analogy is that we follow a car on a street and we focus on the car without paying any attention to other objects along the way.
    Meditation: breath, finger/head switching, body scan, repeated phrase
  2. Flexible awareness
    Here we pay attention to a specific single object loosely and observe our mind wonders to other object(s). When that happens, we pay attention to the other object briefly and bring attention back to the anchor.
  3. Open awareness
    No specific anchor of attention and let attention wonder where it goes. Be open and be curious. The goal is to recognize what’s happening in awareness without judgement.
    Meditation: Noting
  4. Natural awareness
    Effortless attention.
    Being aware of awareness.
    Meditation: Just Being, Equanimity, Aware of Awareness

Awareness is a continuous spectrum, from the most rigid focused awareness to the most spacious natural awareness.

In the Waking Up App, there is a series discussing the spectrum of awareness by Diana Winston.

